Good Night, and Good Luck

是描写麦卡锡时期新闻自由与政府政治迫害的真实故事, Good Night, and Good Luck是CBS 节目主持人Ed Murrow的节目结束语。是部有意义的片子,男主角和配角(科陆尼)演出很棒但故事很枯燥


George Clooney’s Oscar-nominated docudrama pits TV newsman Edward R. Murrow (David Strathairn) against Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his single-minded crusade to quell the red threat at home. Despite corporate pressure to back off, Murrow and his CBS staff are determined to examine the lies and fear tactics perpetrated by McCarthy during his Communist witch-hunts. The impressive cast includes Robert Downey Jr., Patricia Clarkson and Jeff Daniels