今天早上的 NPR 新闻,中国的出现频率,在近几年中,第一次多过了伊拉克。而且几条报道,都挺有意思,不妨列它们一列。


郑筱萸被行刑之后, 中国方面称,上万家小型食品加工厂须尽快清理或关闭。质检总局指出,目前中国四十五万余家食品加工厂当中,至少有一半的厂子没有许可证或者没有完全的经营许可,可能要在 2009 年之前关掉。去年中国已经关闭了十五万家此类无证经营的食品厂。


中国官方称有些美国食品不能接受,不够卫生( unacceptable and unsanitary )。被拒收的货品包括保健食品,运动饮料,开心果,葡萄干。报道的总结是这样的: The move comes after growing international concern and stepped up inspection of Chinese imports by the U.S.



"There’s no big difference in taste. The smell is slightly different, but the feel of the truffles in the mouth is the same," Wu says.

Wu plans to cultivate truffles, a move bound to ruffle European purists even further. He concedes that Europe’s truffle markets are threatened by Chinese products, but insists that European suppliers must learn to adapt.

"In the past they had a monopoly and now they are threatened, so they are trying to undermine our product. Black French truffles used to be a status symbol. Now they’re cheaper and more people can afford them. That has to be a good thing," Wu says.


经济学家 Benn Steil 质疑大多数的国家货币,认为它们被各路政客所控制,早已失去其客观性,对经济的正常发展起着破坏作用。这条报道里面没有直接提及中国,但是鉴于人民币到底应该不应该升值的问题一直引起各方关注,我把它当作相关报道听了一听。


巨无霸,在英语国家叫 big mac ,在美国一个卖三块多,在中国一个卖一块半。我找到了一个最近的价格比较: