Have you every done any visioning? I mean visioning not visualization. Visualization is mentally seeing the things that you wish to have or to do. Visioning is "catching" God’s idea, not telling God what we want. It is a spiritual ideal, a perfect prototype, under griding everything that is. In visioning we make ourselves available to become that idea. We are the conduits for the vision to be revealed. Superstitious? Yes or no. Yes, if you aren’t a spiritual person . No, if you are a spiritual person. It is a belief.

Back to life, I dedicated enormous time and energy to pursue what I loved and learned how to ride the ebb and flow the life’s current. I got most of what I wanted. Ironically, my heart told myself that they weren’t for me. Isn’t a black joke? I left these behind and try to figure out who am I. Outside with admirers, inside I am still confused and distracted.

Until one day, I had a casual chat with one of friends right before dinner, she asked me " Honey, what’s going on?" Here I spared the details " ………" " Honey, in my life I always believe in serendipity. Did you try to vision. Opens up the whole world to up, casting aside all illusions of a narrow mundane existence. Allowing you to see both the beauty and the mystery of the other world. Vision makes transparent self deceptions and deceptions placed upon us by others, allowing us to see clearly what is in our lives and where the paths we chose are leading us.. " My friend isn’t a psychic but a very kind and brilliant woman at her wisdom age.

Hehe, it took me weeks to start understanding her words. I am opening the way for visioning which is unlimited to come into view — into my experience of life.

“If you can image it, you can achieve it; If you can dream it, you can become it”- William Authur Ward