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ZT来源: 贪吃大宝 于 2013-10-11 10:24:41 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:42501次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题



其实我倒是觉得这姐新闻照片上看上去挺贤惠也挺睿智的,属于上得厅堂下得厨房的那种。自己学术、又嫁给老美学术人士,也挺长中国媳妇脸的,不能算gold digger。转发这帖子纯粹是为了让坛子多个话题,周末有八卦聊。









后来因为陈路要来加州大学伯克利分校读书,他老公放弃找正式教职的机会,跟着她一起来伯克利陪她读书,找了个non-tenure track(临时工性质的非正式教职)。


1. Chen C, Kano M, Abeliovich A, Chen L, Bao S, Kim JJ, Hashimoto K,Thompson RF and Tonegawa S. (1995). Impaired motor coordinationcorrelates with persistent multiple climbing fiber innervation inPKC-gama mutant mice. Cell, 83, 1233-1242.

2. Chen L, Bao S,Kim JJ, Lockard J and Thompson RF. (1996). Impaired classical eyeblinkconditioning in cerebellar lesion and Purkinje cell degeneration mutantmice. Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 2829-2838.

3. Shibuki K, Gomi H, Chen L, Bao S, Kim JJ, Wakatsuki H, Fujisaki T,Fujimoto K, Ikeda T, Chen C, Thompson RF and Itohara S. (1996).Deficient cerebellar long-term depression, impaired eyeblinkconditioning and normal motor coordination in GFAP mutant mice. Neuron,16, 587-599.

4. Thompson RF, Bao S, Chen L, Cipriano B,Grethe JS, Kim JJ, Thompson JK, Tracy J, Weninger MS and Krupa DJ.(1996). Associative learning. In: The Cerebellum and Cognition,151-189.(Eds. J. D. Schmahmann), Academic Press, New York.

5. KimJJ, Chen L, Bao S, Sun W and Thompson RF. (1996). Genetic dissection ofthe cerebellar circuitry involved in classical eyeblink conditioning.In: Gene Targeting and New Development in Neurobiology, 3-15. (Eds. S.Nakanishi et al.), Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo.

6. Kim JJ, Shih JC, Chen K, Chen L, Bao S, Maren S, Anagnostaras SG,Fanselow MS, Maeyer ED, Seif I and Thompson RF. (1997). Selectiveenhancement of emotional, but not motor learning in monoamine oxidaseA-deficient mice. PNAS, 94, 5929-5933.

7. Bao S, Chen L andThompson RF. (1998). Classical eyeblink conditioning in two strains ofmice: conditioned responses, sensitization and spontaneous eyeblinks.Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 714-718.

8. Bao S, Chen L,Qiao X and Thompson RF. (1998). Impaired classical eyeblink conditioningin waggler, a mutant mouse with localized BDNF deficit in thecerebellum. Learning and Memory, 5, 355-364.

9. Qiao X, ChenL, Gao H, Bao S, Hefti H, Thompson RF and Knusel B. (1998). Cerebellarbrain-derived neurotrophic factor-TrkB defect associated with impairmentof eyeblink conditioning in stargazer mutant mice. Journal ofNeuroscience, 18, 6990-6999.

10. Chen L, Bao S and ThompsonRF. (1999). Bilateral lesions of the interpositus nucleus completelyprevent eyeblink conditioning in Purkinje cell degeneration mutant mice.Behavioral Neuroscience, 113, 204-210.

11. Bao S, Chen L,Qiao X and Thompson RF. (1999). Transgenic brain-derived neurotrophicfactor modulates a developing cerebellar inhibitory synapse. Learningand Memory, 6, 276-283.

12. Chen L, Bao S, Qiao X andThompson RF. (1999). Impaired cerebellar synapse maturation in thewaggler, a mutant mouse with a disrupted neuronal calcium channel gammasubunit. PNAS, 96, 12132-12137.

13. Bao S, Chen L andThompson RF. (2000). Learning- and cerebellum-dependent neuronalactivity in the lateral pontine nucleus. Behavioral Neuroscience, 114,254-61.

14. Bao S, Chen L, Kim JJ and Thompson RF. (2002).Cerebellar cortical inhibition and classical eyeblink conditioning.PNAS, 99, 1592-1597.

15. Bao S and Chen L. (2002). Geneticsubstrates of memory: cerebellum. In Learning and Memory: MacmillanPsychology Reference Series. Volume 2. (Ed. Byrne, J. H.). MacMillan,Farmington Hills.

她拿到那个麦克阿瑟天才奖,也不是什么功绩,一方面靠老公给挂名的论文,另一方面水木社区网友conti说:在berkeley的都知道,macarthur foundation专门favor MCB的 女faculty,基本只要有还过得去的新进的女PI,稳给,这些年多少了 从Lu Chen,到Nicole King,到Lin He









2 Responses to “深水八卦:诺奖Sudhof老婆踹了原配找美国老头”

  1. on 16 Oct 2013 at 12:21 pm潮州冷


  2. on 16 Oct 2013 at 8:33 pm阳光在多城


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