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#1: [求助]签不签这个卖身契? 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 22:17
作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

All the lawyers out there:



刚刚接了一个offer, 资方答应关于薪资和title的一切要求,说是面试了5个多月,70多个人,总算找到了,极力要挖人过去。在签了offer之后,老板拿出之前寥寥谈及的training bond希望在offer签的时候一起带过签了就算了。但是那有这么简单,拿回来一看分明就是一张5年的卖身契嘛!
Company A and Party B (that would be me),both parties sign this agreement on a basis of equality, will and consensus.
1, the agreement is due to the following facts:
1, party A paid for hiring B
2, A paid for training B (废话!你不请我,我入什么职?谁入职都得有培训不是?)
Purpose of the training: company A’s process and orientation (没听说过入职培训还得签合同的)
Venue europe
Period 2008(对于培训具体内容,费用一概不提)

Terms for both parties:
For A: 基本就是说A 会提供培训的所有费用。
For B: 遵守当地法律等等bullshit否则将赔偿相关费用,按时返回,分享培训内容什么的,这还合理。

From end of 5th year none
5th year 80000
4th year 160000
3rd year 240000
2nd year 320000
1st year 400000

If party B is responsible for the violations of this agreement and the supplementary terms or if A stops the employment of B during the term of service, the agreement will be treated as termination accordingly.

This agreement is an indispensable attachment to the labor contract between the two parties and this is as legal as the labor contract. If there is any content discrepancy between this agreement and the labor contract, this agreement has the priority


这个合同十有八九是他们的猎头咨询公司给设计的。那个老外刚开始都不知道可以由training contract 这么回事。在中国没有3个月,就给一帮咨询公司的人给教坏了。


作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#2: 签之前什么都可以谈。。。 作者: 蚂蚁搬家来自: Florida 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 22:29

#3: 想黑吃黑 作者: 筋斗云来自: 成都 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 22:33


#4: 大哥,我这个是入职培训唉!而且5年!而且第一年赔40万!一年以后就相当于8万美金! 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 22:35
蚂蚁搬家 写道:

#5: 无效的理由呢?我得找个律师朋友看看。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 22:37
筋斗云 写道:

#6: 不懂法 作者: 阿黄来自: 国内国外 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:04
估计Party A是有吸引人的地方,否则不签不就得了?


#7: 不是说了答应了薪资和title的一切要求吗?不然我才不动呢。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:08
阿黄 写道:

#8: 不知道这个公司是哪里的?欧洲?如果是美国,很多地方没有对辞职惩罚这一说。 作者: 黄埔半期 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:24

你这个条款,如果不能更改的话,就不答应。你可以相应要求他们不能在5年内解雇你,如果解雇,他们得付你多少钱。每年涨工资也得要,跟 performance 挂钩比较合理。

#9: 在中国,不到3年就会有猎头来找你,如果跳槽一定是30%以上的加薪。所以在一家公司锁定5年是下策,就算是每年10%的加薪。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:29
作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

黄埔半期 写道:



作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#10: 什么样的培训会值这么多钱?感觉不合常理,应该跟雇主问为什么违约金这么高。 作者: skyler 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:31
Sandy_Rose 写道:

#11: 黑吃黑吧 作者: 园丁 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:34
作者:园丁海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Sandy_Rose 写道:


我猜40万是signing bonus?国内好多公司都这么干,提前走人赔signing bonus。

作者:园丁海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#12: 违约金怎么会这么多?再说,他们开出的条件真的值得你牺牲Mobility? 作者: 错误 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:36

#13: 就是啊,5年合同我不介意,离职都是一个月通知,没有任何liability.但是这样的合同我是不会签的。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:38
错误 写道:

#14: 结婚前先谈离婚条件的可多的是哦!ever heard of prenuptial agreement? 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:42
园丁 写道:


#15: Did you sign the offer letter? If so, did you see 作者: theoretical 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:44
作者:theoretical海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

the training bond before? My guess is you did not know much about this training bond while you were negotiating your offer and you did sign the offer letter already. Well, everything is still negotiable. You can work on this training bond, such as shorter term, less fine etc., if you still want this new position. If you don't want to be there anymore. Then, you can just let them know you won't agree with their training bond term and you won't sign it. They can either take you without any bond or just let you go. Good luck.

作者:theoretical海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#16: 本意是要留人。那老外问我为什么他看到的简历都是没2,3年就换工作。我说没有办法,机会太多。 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:44
skyler 写道:

#17: my situation is: 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-18 周五, 23:55
作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

theoretical 写道:
Did you sign the offer letter? If so, did you see

the package is attractive, i like what i will be doing, with is finance + HR + IT reports to me. basically training me for a CFO position in the future.

But of course i will not agree to that contract. so pretty delicate situation i have here.

my arguement:

from the HR perspective, i understand the intention of the contract is to keep talents. but there are many other ways. this contract which is presented after the signing of the offer is sneaky, for lacking of a better word. the damage it creats to the company image, or the message it sends to the new employees, can't be measured by some financial figures.

plus, training for a new employee to fit into his/her position is the duty of a company, not the liability of the employee. everyone needs initial on duty training. and every company provides that.

from my personal point of view, i am getting paid for providing my over 10 years of international experiences to the company, not for being trained to suit the position.

more to come, still thinking....

in the end, i hope my new boss will think of me as a good HR manager after reading my email Wink

作者:Sandy_Rose海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#18: to a certain point, i almost wanted to ask him: 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-7-19 周六, 00:02
do you really think i will sign it?


#19: you just made a very convincing argument, good luck. 作者: skyler 文章时间: 2008-7-19 周六, 00:02
Sandy_Rose 写道:
my situation is:

#20: 什么公司?比较土,好像农村公司 作者: nflfan2007 文章时间: 2008-7-19 周六, 00:03

海归论坛 -> 海归商务

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