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2527 次点击    关键字: none
Easter is a Christian countries’ religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus was crucified at Calvary 3 days ago – Christians’ Good Friday. It is the first Sunday f" ...

1792 次点击    关键字: none
1.. 鹭鹭: 上海菜, 上海一著名餐厅的分号, 在北京有两家店, 俺只去位于红庙那一家. 历年 来一直将八宝辣酱做特价. 比起上海来说可能味道差些, 但在北京,俺个人 认为比夜上海之流强得不是一星半点. 菜品质量比较平均, 特别是毛蟹炒年糕很好但实在很贵, 总体价位不便宜, 需订位. 电话: 65930442. 地址在大望路, 即红庙路口向南一点儿即是.
  2. 静颐洲: 味道差鹭鹭较远, 但装修很好, 价格不" ...

4739 次点击    关键字: none

April 14th, 2006[头发长志短]

4521 次点击    关键字: none
Can anyone provide me with a list of names of
western pharmaceutical, biotech companies which have opened branch companies in China? I mean not just sales office in China, but R&D office. Many thanks. " ...

586 次点击    关键字: none

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