December 31st, 2007《回响 (Echo)》节选


的确,当我们陷入愁苦或" ...

688 次点击    关键字: none
Could not believe that end of the year is coming. Is it time to make another resolution? Sounds like it is made almost every beginning of the year, but how much do we fulfill at the end? In 2008, I w" ...

685 次点击    关键字: none

December 22nd, 2007When dating goes online

By: 跑跑 (Shiny)

Internet does change people’s life style, people send email instead of physical mail, people talk online instead of dialing number, they shop online by clicking ins" ...

1577 次点击    关键字: none

December 22nd, 200720s vs. 30s

By: 跑跑 (Shiny)

20: I strived to be somebody; 30: I enjoy being nobody;

20: I needed people’s recognition and attention; 30: I avoid people’" ...

588 次点击    关键字: none
By: 跑跑 (Shiny)

This could be a perfect trip that I could ever imagine. It has every single amazing element that consists of perfection, beach relaxing, sun soaking, culture to" ...

1052 次点击    关键字: none

December 15th, 2007常用网址链接

湾区华人网 星岛中文电台 KTSF 26 - The Face Of The Bay Area Bay Area Events

SF Pier 39 Events

HP Pavilion Events CND - My China News Digest 88card - Discounted International Prepaid Phone Cards 文搜网 当" ...

2065 次点击    关键字: none

December 15th, 2007Five Balls Of Life

By: the CEO of Coca-Cola, Brian G. Dyson

Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.
You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends, Spirit" ...

543 次点击    关键字: none
" ...

564 次点击    关键字: none

December 5th, 200710 cities in a lifetime

跑跑 (Shiny)

国家地理杂志列出了人一生中要去的10个城市 (10 cities in a lifetime), 并约了一些排行榜上的作家为每个城市写了Essay. 有的Essay我很喜欢, 比如北京跟LA的, 都写得非常精辟, 巴黎的写得尽管personal, 但是却代表了众多游客的情绪. 遗憾的是罗马的写得太引经据典, 却失去了罗马的个性跟感性, NYC写得太focus, 已经不像是写NYC, 反而是在写Greenwi" ...

736 次点击    关键字: none

December 1st, 2007五行蔬菜汤


上述材料加水煮开差不多半小时,煮出的汤汁平时当水喝。放冰箱大约可保鲜3天。 据说对身体非常好,值得一试。
——————————&" ...

563 次点击    关键字: none

December 1st, 2007节日家常菜

By: by心言

1。     凉拌海带丝 海带丝一磅,中国黄瓜一条,醋五茶匙,酱油两茶匙,鲜红尖椒五个,生蒜五瓣,香菜两颗,花椒油和盐粉适量。 黄瓜切成细丝,码海带丝上。香菜和蒜切成末,遍撒在黄瓜海带丝上。 花椒油放锅里烧至七成热,加入红尖椒关火。放凉。上桌前均匀浇在海带黄瓜丝上,然后加醋,酱油和适量盐粉,拌匀即可。" ...

720 次点击    关键字: none

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