June 24th, 2008[原创]【我送儿子去私校-兼谈公私立学校的利 弊(下)】
AP 课程和GPA 成绩
学和数学(AP calculus) 名列世界第一。老师鼓励学生尽早选AP,儿子高中二年级
高中GPA 对申请大学的重要性自不待言,我个人感觉,这所学校给成绩比公校宽松
我列了不少私校好处,说老实话,很有些SELF-SERVING 。因为钱已经花了一大笔,
再有一点是根据小孩个人性格而定 - 牛头/牛尾/鸡头/鸡尾理论
- 如果小孩在好的公校已经是牛头了,那多好,上私校花那冤枉钱干嘛
- 如果是一般公校的牛头,要具体分析,这类情况可能比好的公校的鸡尾好
- 好公校的牛身可能在私校当牛头
- 如果在哪里都是鸡尾,经济许可的话私立的鸡尾应该比公立的鸡尾好些
“做个正常快乐有爱心的人,上个DECENT 大学,将来能养活你自己,娶个和你
去年年底,华尔街时报以八所大学做BENCH MARK 对全世界高中申请美国大学做了一
个统计,这里的高中有公立有私立也有其他国家的高中, 这八所大学是:
the University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins
下面是这些中学的RANK 和 一些统计数字:
High Schools
How the Schools Stack Up
Weekend Journal looked at the freshman classes at eight top colleges — Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Williams, Pomona, Swarthmore, the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins — and compiled a list of the students’ high-school alma maters. The survey ranked the high schools ba<x>sed on the number of students sent to those eight colleges, divided by the high school’s number of graduates in 2007, limiting the scope to schools that had senior classes of at least 50
The "success rate" column represents the percentage of students in each high-school’s graduating class that attended one of our chosen colleges. (See related story.) —Compiled by Ellen Gamerman, Juliet Chung, SungHa Park and Candace Jackson
The Nov. 30 chart “How the Schools Stack Up” that ranked high schools with the best record of graduates attending eight top universities incorrectly omitted 20 high schools. The methodology called for determining the high schools attended by the current freshman classes at eight top colleges and then ranking the schools ba<x>sed on the percentage of their senior classes that attended those colleges. However, data from some of the colleges’ freshman facebooks and admissions offices were incomplete, and the Journal didn’t confirm the data with enough high schools. The rankings have been re-calculated after broadening the number of high schools. Some omissions remain possible.
High School City State Class Size Students Sent in 2007 Success Rate ↑
Collegiate School New York N.Y. 50 13 26.0%
Brearley School New York N.Y. 51 12 23.5%
Chapin School New York N.Y. 58 13 22.4%
Univ. of Chicago Lab Schools Chicago Ill. 113 22 19.5%
Polytechnic School Pasadena Calif. 87 17 19.5%
College Preparatory School Oakland Calif. 86 15 17.4%
Trinity School New York N.Y. 116 20 17.2%
Phillips Academy Andover Mass. 327 52 15.9%
Delbarton School Morristown N.J. 116 18 15.5%
Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter N.H. 317 47 14.8%
Milton Academy Milton Mass. 184 27 14.7%
Groton School Groton Mass. 83 12 14.5%
Winsor School Boston Mass. 57 8 14.0%
Lawrenceville School Lawrenceville N.J. 239 33 13.8%
Crystal Springs Uplands School Hillsborough Calif. 59 8 13.6%
Hunter College High School New York N.Y. 177 24 13.6%
Kent Place School Summit N.J. 59 8 13.6%
Rivers School Weston Mass. 74 10 13.5%
Saint Ann’s School Brooklyn N.Y. 76 10 13.2%
United World College-USA Montezuma N.M. 99 13 13.1%
San Francisco University High School San Francisco Calif. 92 12 13.0%
Menlo School Atherton Calif. 139 18 12.9%
St. Paul’s School Concord N.H. 150 19 12.7%
Tower Hill School Wilmington Del. 58 7 12.1%
Harker School San Jose Calif. 167 20 12.0%
University Laboratory High School Urbana Ill. 59 7 11.9%
John Burroughs School St. Louis Mo. 97 11 11.3%
Webb Schools Claremont Calif. 90 10 11.1%
Rye Country Day Rye N.Y. 92 10 10.9%
St. Andrews School Middletown Del. 65 7 10.8%
Holton-Arms School Bethesda Md. 74 8 10.8%
Korean Minjok Leadership Academy South Korea 133 14 10.5%
Princeton High School Princeton N.J. 299 31 10.4%
Buckingham Browne & Nichols Cambridge Mass. 115 12 10.4%
Ramaz Upper School New York N.Y. 100 10 10.0%
Head-Royce School Oakland Calif. 81 8 9.9%
Pingry School Martinsville N.J. 121 12 9.9%
Stuyvesant High School New York N.Y. 674 67 9.9%
Regis High School New York N.Y. 125 12 9.6%
Illinois Math and Science Academy Aurora Ill. 203 19 9.4%
Blake School Hopkins Minn. 127 12 9.4%
Hotchkiss School Lakeville Conn. 172 16 9.3%
Branson School Ross Calif. 75 7 9.3%
Bishop’s School La Jolla Calif. 120 11 9.2%
St. Mark’s School of Texas Dallas Texas 87 8 9.2%
Lakeside School Seattle Wash. 132 12 9.1%
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Alexandria Va. 428 39 9.1%
Park School Baltimore Md. 78 7 9.0%
St. John’s School Houston Texas 122 11 9.0%
Deerfield Academy Deerfield Mass. 188 17 9.0%
Castilleja School Palo Alto Calif. 57 5 8.8%
Boston Latin School Boston Mass. 381 33 8.7%
Tabor Academy Marion Mass. 105 9 8.6%
Episcopal Academy Merion Pa. 105 9 8.6%
Sidwell Friends School Washington D.C. 118 10 8.5%
Choate Rosemary Hall Wallingford Conn. 230 19 8.3%
Li Po Chun United World College Hong Kong Hong Kong 121 10 8.3%
Francis Parker School San Diego Calif. 108 9 8.3%
University School of Nashville Nashville Tenn. 88 7 8.0%
Princeton Day School Princeton N.J. 88 7 8.0%
Sewickley Academy Sewickley Pa. 75 6 8.0%
Dalton School New York N.Y. 112 9 8.0%
National Cathedral School Washington D.C. 76 6 7.9%
Horace Mann School Riverdale N.Y. 177 14 7.9%
Bard High School Early College New York N.Y. 128 10 7.8%
Behind the Numbers:
Our survey looked at enrolled students, not the number of students accepted. In some cases, college admissions offices shared the list of high schools for their freshman classes. In others, we looked at the printed "facebooks" distributed by colleges, which were either loaned to us or purchased on our behalf by students or alumni.
We worked with high schools and colleges to verify our numbers, which sometimes differed when students had been accepted to college but deferred enrollment for a year or when college facebooks offered incomplete information. In cases where the high school and college’s numbers diverged, we worked with both to try to resolve the discrepancy.
We relied only on official school information, not outside sources such as Facebook.com. We omitted some universities that otherwise would have met our criteria because they either didn’t print facebooks or those facebooks didn’t list high-school alma maters, and the colleges wouldn’t supply the data on their students independently.
Of course, college placement is only one measure of a high school’s success, and varies from year to year. Many high schools emphasized to us that they strive to find the right match for each student, not the college with the most cachet.
WJ: How to get to Harvard: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119638146482608732.html
百科论私校( by britannica)
几年前至少在网上中国人中间,基本是一边倒反对私校的。短短几年,私校就已经有半壁江山了。为什么?我觉得还是钱的问题。有钱的人越来越多,如果钱不是个问题,至少不是个大问题,下一个问题就是why not?