

Jay Leno 的几个笑话。(儿童阅读需家长陪同)

Filed under: Uncategorized — FaHai @ 1:05 am

前年一位旧日国内同事领一个代表团来玩儿,陪了一天。晚上吃饭时,团里几位年轻人问我为什么就在美国呆下去了,乐不思蜀。 这个问题我问过自己Z遍了(Z等于 N的N次方),也有无数的答案。那天喝多了,居然又有一个新答案飘过。说你们都知道我喜欢历史吧,大家白天被我轰炸了一天本地建筑史,就都点头。我接着说,我在中国过的那些年,虽然现在听起来有些久远,可在中国几千年的历史里不过是二百分之一,可是这二十多年,在美国我已经经历了这个国家历史的十分之一。大家闻所未闻,都觉得一年等于二十年,是个说得过去的理由留下来。

前几天看到Jay Leno退出NBC的最后一期Tonight Show。 觉得又见证了一段历史。刚来美国时,Tonight Show 还是Johnny Carson。晚上熬夜时电视里一声“Here is Johnny!” 揭幕多少长夜。后来毛头小子 Jay Leno来了,眼见他起高楼,眼见他楼塌了,弹指之间,22年过了。有好事者把他的笑话一年摘一句,集成一章,我也从中摘几句,以志岁月之荒唐。

1992年,什么年头啊,那年我们毕业班没一人找到工作。Jay 说,“大家都指责(老)布什制造了伊拉克危机,如果这是真的,那可算是这些年来他为美国带来的唯一一个制造业工作。”
1992 "[George HW.] Bush is accused of manufacturing the crisis with Iraq. If this is true, it is the first manufacturing job he has brought to America in years."

1994 "Today Newt Gingrich attacked Santa Claus as just another liberal with a giveaway program."

1996 "When Russian President Boris Yeltsin disappears from sight, people assume he is on his deathbed. When our president disappears from sight, we assume he is in someone else s bed."

2000年,就要当上副总统的切尼心脏病犯了。Jay 晚上说了“大家看出切尼和克林顿的不同了吗?都是揉胸口,切尼揉的是自己的。”
2000 "You know the difference between Dick Cheney. and Bill Clinton? Cheney grabs his own chest."

200l "Today, President [George W.] Bush ordered an investigation into whether it is appropriate to have civilians with no experience running a Navy sub. Hey, how about an investigation into whether it is appropriate to have a civilian with no experience running a country."

“ 萨达姆交上了一份他的武器报告,有一万两千页。。。现在你看出萨达姆这个人的精明了吧。等到布什念完这份报告,他的任期也该到头了。”
2002 "Saddam Hussein turned in his big report on weapons. It is 12,000 pages Long …. That shows you how clever that Saddam Hussein character is. By the time Bush finishes reading this thing, he will be out of office."

2003年,这年电视上有一个叫"Joe Millionaire"的一男对20女的相亲节目。
“Joe Millionaire"的制作人说这个节目的主旨就是要让大家知道,人不一定非得趁5000万才幸福。他说的不错,你需要的不过是20位漂亮姑娘,她们个个以为你趁5000万。”
2003 "The producers of "Joe Millionaire" say the show s message is that you don"t need $50 million to be happy. That is right - all you need is 20 beautiful women who think you have $50 million."

2005年, “这个星期历史学家一致选出哈定是历史上最愚蠢的总统。 布什要求重新计票。”
2005 "Historians this week named Warren G. Harding the dumbest president of all time. I understand President Bush is demanding a recount."

2007年, 这年罗姆尼和朱里亚尼争夺共和党提名
2007 "[Mitt] Romney criticized [Rudy] Giuliani so much, Giulianij made him an honorary ex-wife."

2011年, “奥巴马总统的民调声望是如此之差,现在肯尼亚人民指控他实际上是美国出生的。”
20ll "President Obama s approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States."



  1. 标题:哈哈哈,very funny

    Comment by 道法自然 — 1970-01-01 @ 8:00 am

  2. 标题:有些人就是天生有幽默的因子,骨子里的浪漫和幽默都是学不来的,是一种天生才智。:)

    Comment by heliuqingqing — 1970-01-01 @ 8:00 am

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